The Friends of the Linwood Community Library are a group of Linwood area patrons who strive to show their appreciation and support of the library’s collections, programs, and services. They promote awareness of the library, provide volunteer assistance, conduct an annual used book sale, raise funds for special purchases, and sponsor Library programs.
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of February, May, July, September, and November at 7:00 pm in the Library Community Meeting Room unless otherwise specified.
You can help the Friends out by becoming a member. It’s only $10 per individual or $15 per family for a whole year! You can also join as a business partner for $25 or make a lifetime contribution of $200.
You can become a Friend of the Library by picking up a form at the Linwood Community Library circulation desk. If you can’t make it to the library yourself, you can call the library at (913) 301-3686, and we will have a form sent to you, which you will be able to fill out and return.