Children’s Services
The library offers a variety of programs and services for all ages of children:
Wonderbooks from Playaway

We have a growing collection of Wonderbooks. Each of the books is an actual print book with a ready-to-play audiobook inside. To listen, kids simply need to press play and then read along with the audio. Ask to see when you visit the library!
1000 Books Before Kindergarten

Plant the Seed. Grow a Reader!
The 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Program is a national initiative to support you and your baby, toddler, or preschooler in building reading skills one book at a time.
The Linwood Community Library encourages families to enjoy books together while having fun and nurturing a love of reading.
How to Participate:
- Register at the library or sign up online.
- Once your child is signed up, we will provide you with a welcome letter and full program details.
- You’ll pick up the first reading log at the library to get going. After reading 1,000 books with your child and completing the program, we’ll celebrate!
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who can participate in this program? Any child from birth until he/she enters Kindergarten.
- I have more than one child I am reading to. Can I count the same title for each child? Yes. Each book you read counts for each child who hears the story.
- Are there rules about the books we can read? No! Any book counts. Children sometimes love to hear the same book over and over, so each reading counts. Books heard at story time, daycare, or at the doctor’s office all count!

The library computers are all set up for the children’s learning program ABC Mouse. It is free to use at the library.